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HomeMembership Signup

Over the years, Ft. Vancouver Knitters Guild has striven to strengthen the bonds between members of our own knitting community and our relationship with the greater community. 

Our monthly meetings provide a safe and nurturing environment for members to exchange ideas and tips about our craft, share projects and news. The meeting room is always a buzz with the sounds of mentorship and laughter. 

Each month we welcome a speaker who brings new insights, ideas, techniques and energy to our guild. 

Our knitted goods have flowed into the greater Vancouver Community and Clark County through our service projects, establishing partnerships with numerous agencies.

Fort Vancouver Knitters Guild Regular Membership


Regular Membership includes the following benefits:

• Monthly meetings on the second Wednesday of each month, from 6:45 to 8:30.

• Our Monthly Newsletter filled with interesting articles related to our craft.

• Free Attendance at Guild sponsored classes (taught by members) held throughout the year.

• Community and connection with other knitters.

• Access to our website and our calendar on our Events Page of knitting events in the area.

The cost of a year-long membership in Ft. Vancouver Knitters Guild is $35.00.
Membership runs from September 1 through the next September 1, but you may join at any time.

Questions? Contact our Membership Coordinator Velda, at

Fort Vancouver Knitters Guild Business Membership


Boost your business by joining our very special group of Business Members!

Business Membership includes the following benefits:

Your logo and brief statement plus a link to your business web site listed on our Business Members web page.

• Promotion of your business events on our website’s Events Page and in our Monthly Newsletter.

• Your business advertised in our Monthly Newsletter (your logo or digital copy of your business card.)

• Two additional regular memberships for friends or family, including all regular membership benefits (access to
                  our Monthly Newsletter, monthly meetings and events).

Business Membership

The cost of a year-long business membership in Ft. Vancouver Knitters Guild is $125.00.

Membership runs from September 1 through the next September 1, but you may join at any time.

Questions? Contact our Membership Coordinator Velda, at

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